
Welcome to the Chronologer !

This is a simple utility to track the amount of time a PC is used. It can the used : It collects various statistics, so that you can choose the most appropriate one when you eventually do your statistical analysis. It outputs to comma seperated values (.CSV) format for easy importation into spreadsheets. The fields collected are :
  1. Date and time of start of interval.
  2. Number of keystrokes.
  3. Number of alphanumeric keystrokes (The difference between this field and the one above gives an indication of whether or not the user was buzy with creative activities, or just browsing).
  4. Mouse clicks.
  5. Time spent moving the mouse (in seconds).
  6. Time spent typing. User is allowed pausing up to 40 seconds.
  7. Time spent typing. User is allowed pausing up to 4 seconds.
  8. Time spent typing alphanumeric keystrokes.User is allowed pausing up to 4 seconds.
  9. Active time in seconds i.e. either typed, or moved the mouse, or both.
  10. Length of day in seconds.
  11. Start of day in seconds since 2 am. This field's primary use is to generate the one above.
Since the program hooks the keyboard, it has the potential to be adapted as a keylogger. Then again, any Windows program can easily be turned into a keylogger, because Windows makes it so easy to hook the keyboard.


Chronologer C source
Chronologer Windows binary executable

Contact information

Email : Nic Roets
Cellphone : +27 83 765 9503